5 Android Applications for Electronic Circuit Design

5 Android Applications for Electronic Circuit Design

Electronics is the brain that regulates robot performance in general. without electronic circuits, robots will only become mechanical systems that are paralyzed and lifeless. The electronic circuit for robotics has developed rapidly and allows it to be given an artificial intelligent system in it. To design electronic circuits, we can use both free and shareware computer applications that can be downloaded on the internet. And, at present, the application for designing electronic circuits is not limited to computers, but developers have created many of these applications for the mobile app.

1. EVERY CIRCUIT (Free and Pro)

Every circuit made by Musemaze has a very comfortable interface, users only have to drag and drop to put components or move them. and enough to touch point to point to connect between components. This application also features simulations that can be changed parameters even when the simulation is running so that the designer can immediately see the effects in realtime.

2. iCIRCUIT ($ 4.99)

This application was created by Krueger Systems Inc. Unlike every circuit, this application does not provide the free version. but $ 4.99 is the right price to get it because this application also has a user friendly interface and also includes interesting simulations.


Although not for designing custom design, this application provides standard electronic circuits that are widely used in electronic applications. the advantage of this application is the detailed calculation of the series.

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This application was created by Peter Lawford and contains basic electronic components. not too complete, but Peter Lawford provides it for free.


This application made by GK Apps is not for designing electronic circuits graphically, but is a tool for calculating circuits in theory. It is currently available to calculate currents in parallel circuits, voltage in series, and resistance in series and parallel circuits.

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