3 How to download the WhatsApp status on Android

After a few days of not writing articles because of some unexplained things, it's time to return to the ruler of Element "Avatar" to share his knowledge about how to save WhatsApp status to be able to enter our gallery. Who doesn't know whatsapp? Of course everyone knows him right? This idea starts to appear when the friend's WhatsApp status is funny but whatever the power is just WhatsApp status that doesn't know how to save the status ... just go back to the discussion and here are 3 ways to save WhatsApp status:

1. Status Downloader for WhatsApp

Next, there is Status Downloader for WhatsApp. This application also has a very simple display. You will be directed to the status. With the grid view makes the status look clearer. In addition, you can also download videos with this application. The trick is to select the video menu and click the video that will be saved

Pictures from play store documents

Or just download it Click here to try the application

2. Status Saver

This application has a fairly simple appearance. Not many menus appear when you open this application for the first time. This will certainly be very helpful for beginners because they will immediately understand how this application works. In addition, the Status Saver size is relatively small compared to other applications, so there is no need to worry about space storage capacity

Pictures from play store documents

Just download the application Status saver

3. Story Saver WA

The Story Saver WA display is somewhat different from Status Saver. Display in this one application is quite interesting. In the initial view, you will immediately be given several menus that you can use. In addition, on one of the menus is also available a guide if you are confused. You could say Story Saver WA's initial appearance was similar to Instagram. The use of this application is relatively easy, you just choose which status will be saved and just download the status.

Pictures from play store documentsJust download the application Story Saver WhatsApp. Hopefully this article can be useful for all of us. Follow this blog, like, coment, share, and don't copy paste yeah guys.

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