8 Android Applications that Women Need to Have Now

8 Android Applications that Women Need to Have Now

The needs of smartphone users have evolved along with the development of trends and the emergence of hundreds of other Android, iOS, and mobile platform applications on the market. We also continue to download (download) this mobile application (mobile apps) to support daily activities, ranging from work-related to entertainment and hobbies.

Currently the Android application is still the main concern of app developers; naturally considering its existence has controlled more than 50% of the smartphone market worldwide. The mobile OS with an open source license developed by Google is great thanks to its ease of adoption by any smartphone manufacturer. Based on AppFigures, the number of Android application-based content registered in the Google Play store has reached more than one million in 2014.

In Indonesia alone, the number of Android smartphone users has reached more than 60% of the total smartphone users, or around 33 million people.

The Android application proved not only able to increase productivity, but also facilitate our mobility. Therefore, LiveOlive wants to review some Android applications that will make your life easier. Please try it if you haven't downloaded the following 10 applications:

1. LoveCycles - Period Tracker

When you first see how it looks, you might be interested in a simple monthly guest cycle recording application with this sweet design. But, don't underestimate its function. LoveCycles not only records the date and duration of your menstruation, but is also able to estimate PMS symptoms, and when and the duration of your next menstruation. There are many health problems that are characterized by menstrual cycles that are not smooth. By recording your menstrual pattern, you can pay more attention to the condition of your body.

2. Wunderlist

Forgotten is human. However, it would be very unfortunate if you missed important things just because of your limitations in remembering things at once. At present, Android applications on smartphones have become a practical choice and are more environmentally friendly than a sticky note.

Indonesian artist Marsha Tengker relies on Wunderlist to remember her to-do list. He is not just living his daily life as a Masters student majoring in Psychology, but also actively taking care of business, one of the hangout places in the South Jakarta area - Southbox. "Simple, not complicated, just a checklist but we can make several project folders," Marsha said.

That way, Marsha can also monitor several different needs at once.

"If our partner uses Wunderlist too, we can assign it, we can put the due date and the shopping list," he explained.

3. Yummly

Running out of ideas for cooking? Enjoy sliding the screen of your smartphone in the Yummly app and you are guaranteed to be inspired immediately to turn on the stove fire. The Android application used by more than 15 million people every month is like Pinterest for a collection of recipes. Don't be afraid to gain weight because you are constantly trying new recipes! Yummly provides information about nutrition for each menu. That way, you can still control your consumption.

In addition to giving cooking directions, Yummly also gives details of ingredients from recipes that you can save directly with just a 'click'. Suppose you want to cook lasagna but run out of some ingredients, just 'click' and the ingredients will appear in the "Shopping List". Once you go shopping monthly, note what ingredients you should buy are easily accessible. This app is very easy to use, so you can also recommend it to your beloved mother or grandmother.

4. 7 Minute Workout

For those of you who write "healthy life" as a resolution this year, regular exercise is a solution that cannot be replaced. Even so, with increasing activity and limited time to exercise, people are always looking for "short cuts" to do it quickly and effectively.

7 Minute Workout seems to be suitable for those who want instant results.

Yup, 7 minutes won't take up a busy schedule and "torture" your body for too long, right? This Android application provides a 7 minute exercise guide. You can choose as needed, to train muscles, reduce weight, and others. You can't lie, because this application also records any day you practice!

5. Elevate - Brain Training

This game is not just a hit. Elevate consists of several different types of game techniques with different objectives, ranging from training focus, memory, increasing speed, language skills to mathematics.

This Android application has an attractive appearance that does not make you bored quickly. Elevate is a game that trains the brain according to the ability of each user. Every day, you will be given different challenges and also reminded to practice regularly. Read More The Best Android Adventure Game, Exciting Which You Must Download

6. Baby Monitor & Alarm

This application will be very helpful for mothers, especially working moms, in monitoring the baby's daily activities. Not only recording all your baby's activities and sounds, this app can also detect if the baby is experiencing suspicious signs because he is having symptoms of illness, for example.

Baby Monitor & Alarm can record your voice or choose your little one's favorite songs from the song folder. When you can't carry him to sleep, just play a sound recording or song to make him sleep comfortably. This application can also be connected to your second cellphone and will contact the cellphone if the baby wakes up and starts crying.

7. LiveOlive

Life will never be far from the problem of money. Therefore, it never hurts to always follow the tips about managing money delivered in a language that you can easily understand.

Through the LiveOlive Android application, you can not only read useful content about productivity, career, entrepreneurship and lifestyle, but also use Money Tools to help your financial planning.

8. Hydro Coach

Try to remember, when did you last drink 8 glasses of water like a doctor's advice? If you feel thirsty, it's a sign that your body is dehydrated. Very understandable if you are too exciting with your activities so you forget to sip water regularly. In fact, by drinking water regularly, you can avoid various health problems. Based on the results of the Agricultural Research Center's research, dehydration not only disrupts the mood, but also motor skills. In addition, drinking water is an effective solution to fight stress and lose weight.

That is why, the Hydro Coach application is perfect for women who want to live a healthy life.

This application provides a dose of water that you have to consume according to your body condition, based on your age, weight, gender, and lifestyle. Choose the dose of glass that you normally use, this application will remind you when you have to carry out the ritual of drinking water with a set of times that have been adjusted per day.

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