Creative business ... !!! Perfect for rural areas

Congratulations to re-read in my article this time entitled "Creative business". This time the admin here will share about personal experiences that have passed through trying in rural areas. For all friends whose homes are still like my home. In a rural area that is rarely signaled, imagine that I am a friend, how will I become a blogger signal? There is nothing more YouTubers, publishers, or designers. Alhamdulillah, now I am in a place where there is little signal, even if only a little. Well, maybe for friends who are now in the city it's better to also read my article this time because of what ...? Who knows, there are relatives or relatives who are still unemployed who can be trusted to run this business, because in the countryside looking for work is difficult. At most, it only works in factories that earn a month's wages for the most week. not overheating ".. eheheheh ... joking yes bro ... eits, already used to joke now, just read" Creative business for rural areas "

1. Coffee Shop + WiFi

Well, maybe all of you who read this article why did the WiFi + coffee shop business be included here? Because of that, the discussion above is a difficult signal. That's why making WiFi business gets crowded with people who want to watch YouTube, etc., just imagine last night there were 20 more young people to come just for wifi_an. Just multiply just 20x5,000 = IDR 100,000 just from the coffee. Not yet other snacks like peanuts, or the ones that often are cigarettes, not to mention if a card is provided for a game, usually 1 group goes home already IDR10,000-IDR20,000,
Pictures taken during the day

It's normal, bro, if it's still quiet during the day, it's still a lot of work. With such details, are you interested in opening a coffee shop + WiFi business?

2. Animal Husbandry 

For number 2 this is a bit amused in the ears of all friends. "Animal Husbandry", because livestock is a business that requires little energy, especially cattle or goat farms that every day have to find grass for animal feed. Because it addresses the price of meat that is increasingly rising and it is easy to find grass in rural areas, the farm is included in the second top chart after the coffee + WiFi business. For friends who are more in the village, don't be shy to submit proposals to friends or relatives in the city who already have capital with the calculation of profit sharing according to the agreement of each party. And those who don't have acquaintances or don't have acquaintances, please submit proposals for loans to banks or cooperatives around the house. Because livestock yield is a yield that can be raised.

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3. Walking Rice Milling

Because the majority of Indonesia's population as farmers and have a food self-sufficiency motto it's good to try this creative effort

Source: Kaskus

Pay attention to the picture above obtained from ... !! Maybe for now there is no engine developer like the picture above but it's good if you make your own machine manually with a 24pk diesel engine and a rice mill.


Like that, guys will be right, of course. And the one on the top left is Jeri. Without grandiose giving details of the rice milling business, please make friends at home. To order rice mills such as pictures and friendly business and new machines, please leave a comment or wa to number: 082176313634. The sender has been to all corners of the country.

4. Multi function milling

Is removal that can make rice as flour, coffee beans become coffee powder, and anything else.

Like the picture above the intended milling.

5. Rental PS3

As a saturated drug because it has been active all day, the PS3 rental business will quickly develop. Given that the amount of capital does not require large amounts, this business is suitable for rural areas

6. Trade credit 

These articles are made to add references to specific writers and general readers. Thank you for reading this article and leave a comment.

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