How to add text translation on Google Play console

Welcome back with the author's "Berbagiilmu" and "Avatar" posts. Two days ago exactly Avatar wrote how to increase traffic downloading Aplication on Google play and now will share knowledge on how to add text translations in the Google Play Console which is one way to increase traffic downloading applications in the Play Store.
Before continuing this article please follow this blog to get the latest news about this blog. And please share the articles, likes and comments awaited to develop this blog to be more maximal. Return to the subject of the discussion below is how to add your own translation text on the Google Play Console:

1. Make sure you have logged in with your account

Immediately without long, please log in to each account. After logging in, you will be faced with a home screen like this.

After the Google Play Console home page appears immediately..

2. Select the application

Select which application you want to add text translation manually. Just click on the selected application, a screen like this will appear

After the page appears, just select the store listing

3. Enter the Store Listing

At the store listing page, we will make our own text translation, which will take a little more than an hour. After the Store listing page appears, select the top right.

Please select number two "Add your own translation text". Of course we need google translate so we can quickly add any country lenguage.

Before choosing a language and starting with google translate, please choose the country language as desired.

4. Google translate

The last way and the most powerful weapon to translate text is google translate or whatever software you have. And please copy paste it to the application description, application name, so many of these articles are written, hopefully it can be useful for all of us.

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