4 Hidden Xiaomi features

This time "sharing" will share knowledge about Xiaomi phones. Why is Xiaomi because of a quality cellphone, complete and cheap specifications of course. Many advantages compared to other phones. Here are Xiaomi features that resemble Apple phones:

1. Mi Massage

It is one of the advantages that Xiaomi cellphone users can send free SMS similar to Apple. To activate this feature, only enter settings => System applications => messages => activation of massage noodles
If all features have been checked, it means that your massage mi is active

2. Add Lyrics on Play Music

Instead of having to play online music applications to find out the song lyrics, it is better to add song lyrics manually. Download the .lrc file that matches the song title => change the name exactly with the song on the music player. menu => slide right => press => enter file => enter the .lrc file that has been renamed
Enter the music

3. Shortcut Menu

What is the shortcut menu on Xiaomi? Shortcut menu is a shortcut menu that is very similar to the default iPhone. How to activate is easy enough just go to settings => Additional settings => Shortcuts then edit according to your choice of friend.

4. Mi Cloud services

Super fantastic Xioami's default feature because we can access it remotely. And can find the device when our cellphone is lost. To activate this feature go to settings => Mi account => and fill in all forms.
After successfully registering, try visiting the mi Cloud link if it's already open, meaning our Cloud mi service is active. With this feature we can easily spy on a partner because there are features to know the message from the cellphone, the calling feature, etc. So many articles from us may be useful for all of us

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